2024 AGM Update

The AGM held on 2 July was attended by 33 members including Board Members Robyn Connett (Chair), Paul Layton (Secretary), Rebecca Bower (Treasurer) and Harry Temple.

Robyn welcomed members to the meeting and spoke to various aspects of the Annual Report concentrating particularly on the Queen’s Crescent Garden regeneration project and the Board’s continuing determination to secure a fair share of the neighbourhood portion of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding. Other matters raised included the Trust’s communication with members through our biannual newsletter About St James, the website and regular mailings; monitoring ECC planning applications and responding as consultee in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan; and vigilance in reviewing the Trust’s resilience.

The Annual Report was adopted and the accounts approved. Harry Temple was re-elected to the Board but gave notice that he would be standing down in November.

At the close of the business meeting members were treated to a thought provoking presentation by Frazer Osment, Chair of LDA Design and co-architect of the Exeter St James Neighbourhood Plan:

Our Neighbourhood Plan – its achievements and lessons learned for a future Plan